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Healing Emotional Trauma – Part 1

Červen 14, 2022 | Reviewed by Editor
  • human beings are emotional entities
  • our emotional sensibility develops during our transformative years
  • until the age of 11, there is a continuous exchange of emotional and chemical energy between child and parents
  • inadequate parental love might lead to addiction
  • receiving Harmonyum healing treatments reconnects you to universal love

How We Feel Is The Key 

Why do many of us feel a deep sense that something is missing in our lives? Why is it that those that seem to have all the things they want still feel a deep void in their hearts? What is the mysterious missing element that we need in order to feel truly fulfilled? 

How we feel is the key.  Before we can answer these questions we have to understand that all human beings, regardless of their standing in life, are emotional entities. To answer the question of why and what, we have to first grasp the when. When did our emotional sensibility originally form? The answer is in our formative years. Indeed, our emotional maturity and growth, even to this day, depends upon the quality of our relationships with our mother and father during the earliest stages of our life. 


Parental Love Is Vital

From the moment we are born all the way to 11 years of age, there is a continuous exchange of emotional and chemical energy between the child and his/her parents and their immediate environment. Therefore the parent-child relationship, along with the relationships the child forms with everyone he/she comes in contact with, from relatives to school teachers, must be whole and complete. 

The quality of love given by the parents to the child is vital. If for any reason there is a gap in love quality during this time, complementary love must be provided to fill this cavity in one’s later years. This missing element of love is felt throughout life as a hole, an inner feeling of rejection, a void in our hearts that drives us to search for it our entire lives without even knowing what we are looking for. For while what is missing is absolutely felt, it is not so easy for a growing child to express this feeling, and it doesn’t become easier after we reach adulthood.

Today, more than ever, people are looking for something to fill the emptiness inside their hearts. They are looking for something to give them purpose and meaning, something to give them hope and direction. This quest for meaning often invites all kinds of obstacles into our lives. It is in the midst of facing the trials of life that we are forced to look inward and realize that the answer was love all along. While some seek escape in the form of drugs and alcohol as a temporary means of filling the void, the challenges we encounter are opportunities for growth and self-expression. This missing element of love can manifest in being addicted to a never ending search and life long-journey to find this love in various organizations, in ashrams, cults, and sects.

As human beings, from conception to birth and beyond, we need love to grow and thrive. Love is a primary principle. Every child that is born must feed on love, because they are born as a result of love. When the child’s parents do not provide love and care for the child, the child will spend a lifetime running all over the world looking for the love they did not receive. You can give your child all the material things in the world, but without love, he or she will be sorely lacking. The formula is immutable. Adoption is a perfect example. An adopted child will often look for the people who brought him or her to the earth in order to find inner peace. 


Receiving Universal Love Through Harmonyum 

Harmonyum is one of the rare spiritual systems that can restore our relationship to this missing love. Harmonyum releases universal love in our entire being. When that energy flows properly within our bodies, we are happy and healthy. Conversely, when that energy has been cut off, and replaced with the energy of hurt feelings, emotional entanglements, resentment, fear or frustration, we are left open to an array of disharmony and disease that in turn attracts more and more hardships into our lives.