12 Keys for Spiritual Growth

Regular contemplation of the twelve spiritual keys can be used by Harmonyum practitioners as an essential tool for personal development. Through introspection, each practitioner can give meaning to the twelve spiritual keys reflecting their mental, emotional, and spiritual state.

Practical examples of living the 12 keys are given in the text below. These examples are not exhaustive and are not to be understood as hard-edged rules. We invite you to make them your own and live them in your unique way.

Key 1: Be Thankful and Grateful.

Practicing gratitude has been shown to increase happiness, decrease feelings of stress, to build mental resilience, and to reduce anxiety and depression. When we are emotionally triggered, choosing to feel grateful about even one thing in life protects us from a downward spiral. By facing challenges with gratitude, the door out of the problem will reveal itself more quickly. Practicing gratitude is a practical choice for improving your health mentally, emotionally and physically.

Key 2: The Power of Service.

When we serve with a joyful heart, the person you are serving is blessed and you are blessed. Service is an act of giving, and giving is an act of care and love. Love brings new life to people, you can see it in their face and hear it in their voice. Love is the only force that can truly heal. An act of service is a healing act.

Key 3: Love that which is good; use that which is bad to raise your consciousness and manifest your highest self.

The universe is a friendly place. This is far easier to agree with when life works for us and is going smoothly. When we face an unexpected challenge or something difficult, it is easier to feel like life is against us. In truth, life is always for us. When life seems tough, use situations that appear negative to raise your consciousness and manifest your highest self. It is important to ask oneself, what dormant part of myself am I being asked to awaken?

Key 4: Be goodness, justice and compassion. Never criticize nor envy others.

Justice calls upon us to live in fairness, an aspect of goodness. When we are envious it means that we have forgotten that what is ours can never be taken away from us, and conversely what belongs to another, can never be taken away either. Compassion will prevent us from criticizing, and compassion for self will awaken a self-love that keeps envy at bay.

Key 5: Be patient, calm, and considerate. Never give in to anger or pride.

Life is filled with challenges, expected and unexpected. With each challenge, one must remain calm, demonstrating patience and consideration for oneself and others, and openness to learning from all interactions. Growth comes from challenges. Never act from a place of anger or pride. Anger and pride close the mind and heart to the growth that opens us up to the limitless possibilities of the universe.

Key 6: Be pure, compassionate, and gentle. Never use irony.

May one’s thoughts, words, and actions be pure in intention and filled with compassion for all life forms. May each come from the heart filled with gentleness and loving-kindness. Never use irony on yourself or others as it sends a mixed message to the Universe and those you interact with creating duality and disharmony.

Key 7: Be confident, satisfied and open to others. Do not doubt and do not be envious.

We have all been created with a unique set of gifts. Be confident and satisfied with the gifts you have been given. Cultivate them so you may share them with others in the name of service. Never doubt the good you have to offer others. Be open to the gifts others have to offer you, accepting with gratitude. Never be envious of the material or spiritual gifts others have been granted.

Key 8: Be moderate in all things. Avoid excesses.

Balance is everything. Individual, collective, and universal health are based on balance. All things exist on a continuum. Do not allow yourself to be aimlessly pulled from one end of the continuum to the other. Through conscious focus find the point on each continuum that supports the spiritual and material well-being of all.

Key 9: Be humble, kind, modest, generous, and respectful of others. Never be spiteful.

Thoughts, emotions, words, actions, and behaviours are based on the foundation of unconditional love, compassion, respect, fairness and non-judgment, when interacting with others. This refers to clients as well as to family, friends, community, society and every sentient being including the earth. Serve with an open heart and avoid any harmful words, actions or behaviours.

Key 10: Be true in word and deed. Choose words and actions that will not endanger others. Base all words and actions on universal love, universal wisdom, and universal truth.

Be righteous in thoughts, words and actions. Be aware of the consequences of one’s words and actions to not put ourselves or others in danger. Perceive life through the lens of universal love, universal wisdom and universal truth instead of through glasses that are coloured by personal belief systems and conditioning that is not rooted in universal love, universal wisdom, and universal truth.

Key 11: Be helpful and considerate of all that exists. Never deceive or betray anyone.

Be careful to not cause harm knowingly or unknowingly. Serve without discrimination when you see a need, including animal life and the earth. Interact with others from a place of truth, honesty, and authenticity without taking advantage of them.

Key 12: Love and protect all life. Spread peace and harmony. In no way be aggressive.

All forms of life are of equal value including animal and plant life. Convey a sense of peace and harmony through emotions, words, actions and behaviors when interacting with all forms of life. Do not be actively or passively aggressive towards ourselves and others.

Peace of mind. Awareness. Results.

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“I received Harmonyum throughout my pregnancies and now I give it to my children, who ask for it before a test, a challenge or when they are under the weather. Harmonyum induces a deep meditation state that may be challenging to reach by other means. Because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, it is profoundly healing and restorative.”

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"From personal experience as a practitioner and recipient, Harmonyum has tremendous therapeutic potential. It is a system that warrants rigorous scientific research to understand it’s mechanisms of action. It is a gentle practice and yet can have profound benefits, one I highly recommend."

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"Harmonyum is a spiritual and metaphysical healing technique which has been incredibly helpful for me with pain management and my insomnia. There is nothing that is as restorative for me as Harmonyum!"

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"I’ve received dozens and dozens of Harmonyums in the last years, and I get one pretty much every week. Each one has given me a profound healing experience and the deepest rest you can imagine. It’s so powerful! Harmonyum increases my clarity and empowers me to be a better version of myself."

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"This energy healing is the most powerful system I have ever encountered and I tried many techniques in my search for healing over the years. It gently washes away all of your deep-rooted traumas and helps you to change in a permanent and conscious way."

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"I’ve spent decades exploring different healing modalities and nothing compares to Harmonyum. Gentle and profoundly healing, “like floating on a cloud” or “being cradled”, each session is unique and gives the client exactly what they need at the moment. It is so much more than a nurturing and healing of body and spirit - it is also a blessing which continues to work on you well after the session. I am so grateful to Dr. Levry and the amazing practitioners at Naam!"

LSP, Actress

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"Harmonyum is such a special type of energetic work and you feel it immediately. I felt myself go into a deep meditative state, - the ideal state to manifest from or work with your own subconscious mind! This is so good for anyone who struggles with calming their mind down enough to meditate. I felt so relaxed like I just got out of a spa treatment afterwards! Highly recommend it!!"


"I experienced a profound relaxation while being in a dreamlike state in my Harmonyum session. I loved it. I just want to get this more often!"


"I was blessed to have a Harmonyum Healing session. I have never felt as good as I did afterwards. I was the most relaxed that I have ever been. I can’t even describe the feelings I felt during the session. It was truly amazing and healing. My practitioner has the most wonderful energy and it was one of the best experiences I have ever had. I definitely recommend her! Thank you again!"


"I received a Harmonyum treatment not knowing what to expect and was amazed by how much it shifted my energy. My practitioner’s genuine friendly nature and intuitive guidance comforted me. Her knowledge of breath work and healing touch took me to a deeper place of relaxation and clarity within myself. It even released some tears (of joy) that I had been holding back for a while. I will look forward to working with her. Thank you!!!"


"My practitioner was fantastic. It was my first time having a treatment like this and she made it comfortable and explained everything that she was going to do at the start. I was able to enter a meditative state for the first time in my life. I have a very stressful profession and I found peace for several days afterward. Even as a skeptic, I highly recommend Harmonyum.."


"Receiving Harmonyum sessions always resets my nervous system and I feel so regenerated afterwards. Recently I received a session just as I arrived after flying from Maui to LA. I was there to take a course and wanted to feel fresh. It worked like a charm, as it always does! I can also feel these sessions are progressively clearing old trauma hidden in my subconscious. I highly recommend it to anyone for vitality, and feeling present, peaceful and joyful!"


"I was on vacation in Cabo San Lucas and received 3 Harmonyum treatments, 3 days in a row. I feel balanced, it has helped me in my nervous system. I feel complete, energized and also relaxed. It’s amazing and I am going to continue to do the treatments."


"One of the most relaxing and enjoyable experiences of my life! Frustration and angst have been removed from my body and I’m now ready to face the world!"