- potent natural defense against airborne illnesses
- the healing properties of Star Anise
- the origin of Star Anise
- the Respiratory Benefits of Star Anise Tea
- Star Anise Chai Tea Recipe

Supporting the safety and health of you and your loved ones during these times of rapid change and transformation is a top priority. Regardless of how young or old you may be, it is vital now to strengthen your body in order to protect yourself. The ultimate key to healing and health is to live in a way that makes the body an unfavorable place for the spread of disease. The following Health Tool is not meant to replace medical advice, but rather to provide you with ancient yet timeless wisdom known to support your body’s innate self-healing mechanism. While the medical community is working hard to find cures for modern day diseases, we invite you to work with the power of prevention by incorporating the following tools into your daily life.
Star Anise Chai
Drinking the Chai Tea with Star Anise is one of the most potent natural defenses you can work with when faced with airborne illnesses. It is a powerful formula that combines the healing qualities of star anise, black pepper, cardamom, clove, ginger, and cinnamon. This tea has a multitude of healing benefits: it is antiviral, it improves digestion, and it promotes intestinal health. It can both prevent colds and provide relief at the onset of a cold. Children can also drink this tea. Note: It is not recommended for women to take ginger during pregnancy. Star Anise, one of the main ingredients of the Naam Star Anise Chai Tea, can be found in Tamiflu, one of the most sought-after drugs on the planet, in response to the SARS avian flu. In the event of a swine or avian flu pandemic, Tamiflu was considered the remedy.
A Closer Look at the Healing Properties of Star Anise
(Only use the Healing Variety of Star Anise -Illicium Verum)
The variety of Star Anise known as Illicium verum can be used not only for colds, but to restore balance to your whole immune system. It can fight and prevent infections in the mouth, throat and genitourinary tract.
It is important not to confuse the variety of Star Anise known as Illicium verum with the Japanese variety of Star Anise known as Illicium anisatum, which is highly toxic to the nervous and digestive systems. They look very similar. The Japanese Star Anise variety can damage the kidneys, digestive organs and urinary tract, and can cause seizures. The Japanese call this version of Star Anise “shikimi” and burn it for incense. Please note that products containing Star Anise should not be given to infants or children.
The Origins of Star Anise
Star anise, or Illicium verum, is a native plant of Asia, commonly used to promote vitality and vigor in the human system. In Asia and central America, Star Anise has been used to treat cramps, gas, indigestion and intestinal parasites as well as cough, bronchitis and lung ailments. In some cultures, it is given to babies for colic, though it may have serious side effects in infants and children.
According to the World Health Organization, “Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans.” Twenty percent of the common colds we get are from coronaviruses. Most viruses are passed human to human and are very mild. Often, viruses will infect an animal, where they mutate and then infect humans. Two examples of this are SARS which has a mortality rate of 9.5% and MERS which has of mortality rate of 34.5%. Both of these have been contained. Coronavirus or COVID-19 is a new strain of SARS (called SARS2) which is 80% similar to the old SARS and appears to be more infectious and much harder to contain.
You can work with the Illicium verum variety of Star Anise alone or with the Naam Star Anise Chai Tea recipe below. If you are using only the Star Anise, take three cups of Star Anise tea each day. To make Star Anise tea, boil half a teaspoon of crushed seeds in a cup of water. Always make your own tea, from the whole pods, grinding them to yield about 1/2 teaspoon ground Star Anise steeped in hot water. Do not give Star Anise tea to infants or small children.
In general, when making Star Anise Tea, simmer it down for at least 30 minutes until it is reduced by half and then let it cool to room temperature before straining it, so the end result is a lot stronger and more concentrated than ordinary tea. Drink a few ounces of this tea 3 times a day.
The Respiratory Benefits of Star Anise Tea (Illicium Verum Variety)
- Helps with Cystic Fibrosis: This disease involves poor drainage of mucous from the lungs. This causes shallow breathing, and the accumulated moisture in the lungs leads to frequent infections, making it a very frustrating condition.
- Can help make breathing easier
- Can help shorten recovery time, as anise tea is equipped with several natural antibacterial and antiviral components that aid the immune system in eliminating infection.
- It is a warm herb that has been traditionally used to help bring relief to the colds and respiratory congestions that keep you down.
- is helpful at the onset of colds and flus and it helps to treat asthma, coughs, lung inflammation and bronchitis
Star Anise Chai Tea Recipe
This recipe is for a 3-gallon pot. Feel free to slightly adjust the ratio of ingredients to taste. Fill three quarters of your pot with water. Heat the water to a boil. While the water is heating, prepare the following:
- 1 teaspoon of crushed whole cloves
- 1 teaspoon of whole black pepper
- 3 teaspoons of crushed whole cardamom pods (or 2 tsp of cardamom seeds)
- 3 long sticks of cinnamon, or 6 short sticks 1/2 to 2/3 of a ginger root, sliced (you can add a bit more ginger if you have the flu)
- 7 whole pieces of Star Anise (as indicated above, do not use the Japanese variety).
Once the water is boiling, add the crushed cloves. A few minutes later, add the rest of the ingredients and keep the water at a low boil for approximately 30-45 minutes. If you are not sick, you may add your favorite almond or rice milk (avoid adding dairy to the tea). If you are sick it is best not to add any form of milk to the tea. The tea can be refrigerated for up to four days and reheated to drink as needed.