In 2003, while searching for the purpose of life, Andreja met Dr. Levry, a true spiritual master. Through Dr. Levry’s teachings she learned that the meaning of life is found in love and service. Since then, she has been inspired and amazed by Divine Spiritual Wisdom, which continues to give her answers to all her questions.
Divine Spiritual Wisdom teaches us the laws of nature and in particular how to heal ourselves. The idea that we can heal ourselves fascinates Andreja to this day. Therefore, it was very important for her to learn the Harmonyum Healing System and to pass it on to people as a practitioner. Through her clients, Andreja experienced that Harmonyum works and helps people to find healing on a physical, emotional, and mental level.
Andreja’s life has been completely changed by Dr. Levry and the teachings and she is deeply grateful for all the blessings she has experienced over the years. In addition to giving Harmonyum treatments, Andreja is also part of the international Naam Yoga teaching training team and teaches both online and live classes.