Harmonyum und Schulmedizin

Harmonyum Healing as a form of complementary medicine may support conventional medicine

Complementary approaches to health are recognized by the National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Medicine (NCCIH),1 the World Health Organization (WHO),2 and EUROCAM,3 a foundation representing complementary and alternative medicine and integrative medicine in Europe.

Complementary approaches to health can be classified by their primary therapeutic input: nutritional, psychological, physical, or mind/body.   Mind and body practices include psychological and physical approaches to health and healing.   These include, but are not limited to, mindfulness and spiritual practices, meditation, breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, movement education, yoga, tai chi, and manual therapies.1   Additional categories of complementary medicine reported by the WHO in 2019 include prayer, Reiki, reflexology, and hands-on healing.2

The use of complementary and alternative medicine is steadily increasing internationally.

According to the NIH National Health Interview Survey 2017, the use of yoga and meditation for complementary health by adults and children in the United States has increased significantly since 2012.4  In 2019, the WHO reports that 88% of the Member States acknowledged use of traditional and complementary products, practices, and practitioners in their states health system.  This is up from 69% reported in 2005.2

The use of Harmonyum Healing and other complementary practices may be an important step in meeting the unique health challenges of the 21st century and contributing to individual and collective health and well-being.

Every physical condition that you experience is a direct manifestation of a mental condition. You have your body and you have your mind. The human mind is the root of all disease. All health conditions are first created in the mind and all disease comes through the mind. Physical medicine can heal the physical body, but it cannot heal the mind. There is no doctor that can clean your mind.

You cannot experience permanent healing without internal or spiritual healing. Something must be done for the mind. The way in which you use your mind eventually will become the way in which you use your body. Your mental attitude, which is the way you use your mind, is reflected in every aspect of your being, including your life and your health.

Harmonyum Healing starts with changing the mind, changing the mental attitude. We are both matter and spirit. As matter, we have a physical body that we need to know and understand. As spirit, we have a spiritual body that we need to know and understand. Physical healing is not complete and permanent until we have spiritual healing.

Healing, in the most basic sense, is the removal of a negative cause. Behind every negative effect there is a negative cause; healing means getting rid of the negative cause so that the negative effect can disappear. All disease starts in the mind and no negative pattern can be removed from your mind until you understand it. It will not leave until you have gained awareness and control over it. The human mind corresponds to the mental world, which in turn corresponds to the divine world. Permanent healing, therefore, can be understood as a psychotherapeutic application of divine science, of divine medicine.

In the Western world, healing routinely addresses the symptom (physical effect) of the disease before, or even instead of, addressing the mental cause. Symbolically speaking, this makes as much sense as tackling a snake by going after its tail, which can provoke the snake to attack, rather than cutting off its head, which eliminates the imminent danger. There is a head and a tail for every challenge. The head refers to the cause of the challenge and the tail corresponds to the effect generated by the cause. The true science of permanent healing dictates that you must address the head first, because if you only attack the tail, the head is going to keep on biting you. Harmonyum Healing is the science of removing the head of disease so that the disease cannot return.

A cause, by the laws of nature, is always invisible, like the seed we sow in the ground that eventually grows into a tree that bears fruit. Before the seed can move to the visible stage of being a tree, it must first begin at the invisible stage, hidden in the ground. This is because the creative powers of the universe are first and foremost spiritual prior to becoming physically visible to the eye. Likewise, true reality is invisible. The paradox of life is that humanity places all of their emphasis on the physical body because it is visible. True spiritual and permanent healing, however, consists of never losing sight of the spiritual body because our physical vehicle will always be subject to the body of the spirit. Until we understand that, there will be all kinds of disorder in people’s approach to healing. Our true origin is spirit.

Harmonyum activates the unlimited powers that are dormant in the spiritual body. As long as the root cause is present in the mind there will be some kind of fruit, or effect, appearing in the body, come harvest time. What a doctor can do is buy you a pocket of time by disposing of the bad fruit, thereby pushing the disease into the future until the next harvest, when the same or similar fruit will appear again. You may have freedom from your disease for one week, one month or ten years or more, and then the disease comes back because nothing was ever done about the cause. Nothing was ever done to remove the root cause in the mind. Only the effect was addressed. Therefore, symbolically speaking, we must remove the root of the tree, in order to no longer have to worry about the bad fruit.

Let us take this one step further; the only way to address the mind is through the unlimited might of the spiritual body. You cannot heal anyone permanently until you address the spirit because the spirit is permanent. The physical body is not permanent. For a person to heal permanently – even while they address their health physically – they must address their psyche. They must address their mental health and their emotional health.

Most healers do not understand that in order to heal the disease, you must understand the lesson of the disease and help the person by changing the rate of vibratory energy that is working through the entire physical body. Instead, they push the illness into the future, creating a pocket of time where the disease is temporarily alleviated, but will inevitably return.

Every pain or disease that a person experiences is an expression of a karmic manifestation, self-created or a result of generational trauma. Each person’s millions of lifetimes created karmic imprints which affect his/her life circumstances. And, just as physical features are passed on from generation to generation, so are blessings, unresolved traumas and certain patterns of disease. Therefore, the root of many illnesses experienced in this lifetime originated in other lifetimes and other worlds.

The only pathway out of fulfilling the karma of the disease is by raising one’s consciousness. Once this is accomplished, and the lesson is learned, then the disease must leave that person.

There are people who call themselves healers who can only remove pain on the surface and leave the illnesses for you in a deeper dimension. No doctor can eliminate karma for you, nor can hospitals wipe out your karma. Physical medicine is helpful and necessary, but it takes care of the physical body only and cannot heal the mind. One may not recognize the source of the pain on the surface because it is deposited in the deeper level of the mind.

Performing a surgery deals with the physical body. For instance, removing a tumor removes the harmful matter in the physical body, but it cannot remove the genuine cause of illness which exists in the spiritual body. Surgery and medicine are very helpful, but they cannot touch the spiritual body. Thus, such very serious karmic illnesses can recur if not neutralized. Some may appear to be healed but the problem may come back in this life or the next. If the problem is suppressed at an emotional and mental level, it will return sooner or later. In other words, medicine and surgery allow us to experience a degree of health, but we should use the time bought to heal the mind and address healing in a permanent way.

Each Harmonyum treatment induces a psychological shift that allows the recipient to become more aware of the causes created by his thoughts, feelings, and actions. In other words, Harmonyum creates a platform for self-healing because it expands the recipient’s awareness so that he is better able to recognize how the Law of Cause and Effect impacts our lives. Through this awareness, the gentle elimination of destructive energies such as anger, fear, stress and anxiety is facilitated, and they are gradually replaced with feelings of peace and serenity.

Harmonyum was developed with the aim of making self-healing possible. The golden key to efficient, therapeutic treatment of a harmonious nature is to change the rate of vibratory energy functioning throughout the entire physical body so that it becomes what it was first decreed by God when He said that man would become a living soul because he had the Breath of Life within his physical body. Harmonyum is a Divine healing system that assists in raising the body’s vital energy and rate of vibration in a way that cannot occur with medicines, herbal extracts, drugs, and the like.

Harmonyum is the Divine system that promotes this permanent healing. By working with the spiritual body, root causes are neutralized, effects are naturally removed and balance is restored in mind and body.





  1. Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name? NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health website. April, 2021. Accessed July 23, 2021.
  2. WHO global report on traditional and complementary medicine 2019. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2019. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 IGO.
  3. EUROCAM website. Accessed July 23, 2021. https://cam-europe.eu/
  4. National Health Interview Survey 2017. NIH National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health website. Accessed July 23, 2021. https://www.nccih.nih.gov/research/statistics/nhis/2017

Innere Ruhe. Achtsamkeit. Ergebnisse.

Bist du gestresst? Hast du Schlafprobleme? Erlebst du Angstattacken? Fragst du dich, wie du in der heutigen Welt erfolgreich sein kannst? Suche nicht weiter. Finde Erleichterung bei Schlaflosigkeit, chronischer Müdigkeit, nervöser Anspannung und vielen anderen gesundheitlichen Problemen unserer Zeit. Harmonyum ist die Antwort.

Wie es funktioniert

Warum immer mehr Menschen Harmonyum
wählen, um gesund zu bleiben

“I received Harmonyum throughout my pregnancies and now I give it to my children, who ask for it before a test, a challenge or when they are under the weather. Harmonyum induces a deep meditation state that may be challenging to reach by other means. Because it activates the parasympathetic nervous system, it is profoundly healing and restorative.”

Sonia Sequeira, PhD Neurowissenschaftlerin

"Aus persönlicher Erfahrung als Praktizierender und Empfänger hat Harmonyum ein enormes therapeutisches Potenzial. Es ist ein System, das eine rigorose wissenschaftliche Forschung rechtfertigt, um seine Wirkungsmechanismen zu verstehen. Es ist eine sanfte Praxis und kann dennoch tiefgreifende Wirkungen haben. Eine Heilmethode, die ich sehr empfehle."

Mahiuddin Ahmed, PhD

"Harmonyum ist eine spirituelle und metaphysische Heiltechnik, die mir bei der Schmerzbehandlung und meiner Schlaflosigkeit unglaublich geholfen hat. Es gibt nichts, was für mich so erholsam ist wie Harmonyum!"

Michael Canale Promi-Haarkolorist

"Ich habe in den letzten Jahren Dutzende von Harmonyums erhalten, und ich bekomme so gut wie jede Woche eines. Jedes einzelne hat mir eine tiefe Heilungserfahrung und die tiefste Ruhe geschenkt, die man sich vorstellen kann. Es ist so kraftvoll! Harmonyum erhöht meine Klarheit und befähigt mich, eine bessere Version meiner selbst zu sein."

David Greenwood Author und Musiker

"Diese Energieheilung ist das kraftvollste System, das mir je begegnet ist, und ich habe im Laufe der Jahre viele Techniken auf meiner Suche nach Heilung ausprobiert. Es wäscht sanft alle tief verwurzelten Traumata weg und hilft dir, dich dauerhaft und bewusst zu verändern."

Expertin für Glücklichsein Buchautorin "I Am Happy"

"Ich habe Jahrzehnte damit verbracht, verschiedene Heilmethoden zu erforschen, und nichts ist vergleichbar mit Harmonyum. Sanft und zutiefst heilend, "wie auf einer Wolke schwebend" oder "gewiegt", jede Behandlung ist einzigartig und gibt dem Klienten genau das, was er in diesem Moment braucht. Es ist so viel mehr als nur eine Pflege und Heilung von Körper und Geist - es ist auch ein Segen, der noch lange nach der Behandlung an einem weiterarbeitet."

LSP, Actress

"From Anxiety, loss of direction, lack of self belief, heartache, back pain and so many more unpleasant inner feelings - Harmomyum Healing has helped me through it all. Harmonyum Healing makes me feel so relaxed and peaceful."


"Harmonyum ist eine ganz besondere Art der Energiearbeit und man spürt sie sofort. Ich spürte, wie ich in einen tiefen meditativen Zustand gelangte - der ideale Zustand, um zu manifestieren oder mit dem eigenen Unterbewusstsein zu arbeiten! Harmonyum eignet sich für jeden, der Mühe hat, seinen Geist ausreichend zu beruhigen, um zu meditieren. Ich habe mich danach so entspannt gefühlt, als käme ich gerade aus einer Wellness-Behandlung! Sehr zu empfehlen!!"

D. SLOAN Zertifizierter Ganzheitlicher Coach

"Ich habe in meiner Harmonyumbehandlung eine tiefe Entspannung erfahren und mich in einen traumähnlichen Zustand versetzt. Ich habe es geliebt. Ich möchte das einfach öfters machen!"


"Ich war gesegnet, eine Harmonyumbehandlung erhalten zu haben. Ich habe mich noch nie so gut gefühlt wie danach. Ich war so entspannt, wie ich es noch nie war. Ich kann die Gefühle, die ich während der Behandlung hatte, nicht einmal beschreiben. Es war wirklich erstaunlich und heilend. Es war eine der besten Erfahrungen, die ich je gemacht habe. Ich empfehle Harmonyum auf jeden Fall weiter!"

JENNIFER MCNEAR Stiftung Take a Breather

"Ich habe eine Harmonyumbehandlung erhalten, ohne zu wissen, was mich erwartet, und war erstaunt, wie sehr sich meine Energie verändert hat. Die aufrichtige, freundliche Art meiner Therapeutin und ihre intuitive Führung trösteten mich. Ihr Wissen über Atemarbeit und heilende Berührung brachte mich an einen tieferen Ort der Entspannung und Klarheit in mir selbst. Sie hat sogar einige Tränen (der Freude) ausgelöst, die ich eine Zeit lang zurückgehalten hatte. Ich freue mich auf die weitere Zusammenarbeit mit ihr. Vielen Dank!!!"

SAM LARKIN Botaniker und Akupunkteur

"Es war das erste Mal, dass ich eine solche Behandlung erhalten habe. Ich konnte zum ersten Mal in meinem Leben in einen meditativen Zustand eintreten. Ich habe einen sehr stressigen Beruf. Nach der Behandlung fand ich mehrere Tage lang Ruhe. Selbst als Skeptikerin kann ich Harmonyum nur empfehlen..."


"Harmonyum-Sitzungen bringen mein Nervensystem immer wieder ins Gleichgewicht, und ich fühle mich danach so regeneriert. Kürzlich erhielt ich eine Behandlung, als ich nach dem Flug von Maui nach LA ankam. Ich war dort, um einen Kurs zu besuchen und wollte mich frisch fühlen. Es hat wunderbar funktioniert, so wie es immer funktioniert! Ich spüre auch, dass diese Behandlungen nach und nach alte Traumata auflösen, die in meinem Unterbewusstsein verborgen sind. Ich empfehle es jedem für Vitalität und um sich präsent, friedlich und freudig zu fühlen!"

ROSE MIASAKI COMPTON Gründerin Graceflowrose Spirituelle Technologien

"Ich war im Urlaub in Cabo San Lucas und erhielt and 3 Tagen hintereinander je eine Harmonyumbehandlung. Ich fühle mich ausgeglichen, es hat meinem Nervensystem geholfen. Ich fühle mich vollständig, energetisiert und auch entspannt. Es ist erstaunlich und ich werde weitere Behandlungen buchen."


"One of the most relaxing and enjoyable experiences of my life! Frustration and angst have been removed from my body and I’m now ready to face the world!"

JJ BRAWLEY Coach für Männer, Personal Trainer