- Breath practice for strong lungs and a well-functioning respiratory system
- Sip hot water to keep your digestion healthy
- Add warming ingredients to your meals to keep your body warm
- Thieves essential oil blend has a 99.96% success rate at killing airborne bacteria
- Swedish Bitters to improve kidney and liver function, and prevent acidification of the body
- Evening sea salt foot soak for a restful sleep
- Natural Immune System boosters
- Desmodium for healthy lungs and liver

We are living in uncertain times, when it is impossible to predict what challenge we will be faced with next. It is important to have methods to take care of your physical health, emotional health, mental health, energetic health and spiritual health. In addition to receiving Harmonyum sessions, daily habits that support your well-being will be your best friend, especially in these pandemic times. In that spirit, we invite you to read the following article and bring these simple, preventative wellness practices into your daily life and share them with your loved ones. These daily practices will give you peace of mind, knowing that you are taking additional steps to improve your health and wellbeing.
The following Health Tools are not meant to replace medical advice, but rather to provide you with ancient yet timeless wisdom known to support your body’s innate self-healing mechanism. While the medical community is working hard to find cures for modern day diseases, we invite you to work with the power of prevention by incorporating the following tools into your daily life.
These breath practices turn your immune system into a strong defensive fence around you. It is excellent for prevention because it gives protection before adversity strikes. Powerful breath practices such as this will counteract the destructive energy of this age, and help establish a small window for the light to prevail. Whoever does this sacred breath practice, found in the Breath Bar Virus Protection video, will come to know the true power of prana. It is one of the most effective breath practices for these challenging times.
Strong lungs and a well-functioning respiratory system will keep your body strong and healthy. The breath practice in the Breath Bar Virus Protection video was created especially for the health challenges being faced during this age. It includes a special breath technique to kill viruses as well as powerful techniques to build the lungs and strengthen the immune system. By doing these breath practices every day, you will build the vital energy in your body in a way that makes it much harder to catch a cold, the flu, or any airborne disease. Children can also do this breath practice.
Regarding airborne illnesses, it is very important to work with the lungs in a way that keeps them elastic and purifies them from unwanted particles and germs that may travel more deeply into the body. These breath sets are designed to take care of the immune system, strengthen and increase the elasticity of the lungs and to give you excellent respiratory health. They can be performed in less than 30 minutes and practiced morning and night as a powerful defense against disease
Check the Health of Your Lungs Each Morning
Every day it is important to pay attention to the condition of your lungs. You can do this by inhaling deeply and suspending your breath for 10 to 20 seconds or more. Also, each morning, try to inhale for 20 counts, hold the breath for 20 counts, and exhale for 20 counts. If you can do these two things successfully, without coughing, without discomfort, stuffiness or tightness, etc., it is an indication that there is no fibrosis in the lungs, basically indicating that there is no sign of infection. Therefore, in critical times such as now, please self-check your breath every morning so that you can evaluate the condition of your lungs and take action as necessary.
Hot water is more than it appears to be. Mystically, hot water is the “hand” of God or the “spirit” of God. It is the action of sipping hot water that turns it into a powerful remedy, for when you sip it, you are mixing it with your saliva in a potent way that causes it to be a true healing nectar in your body. Sipping hot water is like performing Sitali Pranayam, a breath practice known to have endless healing benefits, such as supporting the liver and improving digestive health. The liver and lungs are both transformers of energy. The lungs are transformers of our mental energy and the liver is a transformer of the energies of our feelings, directing them to the sympathetic nervous system. The liver absorbs the poisons of the body and transforms them. If the liver is upset, poison spreads throughout the body and a person may die. Sipping hot water is one of the best remedies for the liver. The most important function of the liver is to assure the smooth movement of energy throughout the body. By nourishing the skin and muscles with energy and blood, the liver enhances the body’s resistance to potentially harmful external conditions and allows it to recover from injuries.
Take care that the mouth and throat are moist, and never dry. Take a few sips of hot water every 10 to 15 minutes at least, and more frequently when you have to be in a public place or vulnerable area. When you sip on hot water or even the Naam Star Anise Chai Tea indicated below, it washes through your body and into the stomach and works with your stomach acid to kill any virus that may have traveled into your body through your mouth. When we do not drink water often enough, the virus can enter the windpipe and then the lungs and become fatal. The coronavirus can be somewhat easily identified by the presence of a dry cough without a runny nose. It is believed that this new strand of coronavirus is not heat resistant. Therefore, drinking plenty of hot water, keeping the body warm through exercise and eating warming foods can help to prevent the virus from taking root.
When the body is warm, it is harder to be infected with a virus. Eating warming foods such as ginger can help to give the body added warmth and heat. If a person has a fever, they can cover themselves with a good blanket and drink a broth or soup made of ginger to increase the body temperature and purify the body of toxins. In general, it is recommended, for virus prevention, to eat more ginger, garlic and pepper and to eat less sweet, sour and salty foods. It is also a good idea to stay away from cold regions.
The History of Thieves Oil
Unknown to many, Thieves oil contains a very powerful and sophisticated blend of essential oils known to have protected people from disease throughout the ages. In 1997, Weber State University did a study that found Thieves essential oil blend to have a 99.96% success rate at killing airborne bacteria. Indeed, this essential oil blend and its name are derived from a story dated in the 15th century when the bubonic plague was running rampant throughout Europe and Asia. At that time, four thieves in Europe were notoriously robbing infectious dead bodies of their possessions, and miraculously never contracted the highly infectious plague present at that time. The thieves were eventually caught and charged which led to a deeper inquiry in court. The magistrate offered the thieves a reduced sentence in exchange for the secrets as to how they were not affected by the plague. The thieves accepted the deal and told the court of their herbal knowledge and the powerful medicinal properties of oils when combined in certain ways. Their formula was highly effective in killing airborne bacteria. They described different ways to work with the oil. Thieves blend is truly antiseptic, antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-infectious. This miraculous combination of essential oils stimulates the immune system, circulatory and respiratory systems, and helps to protect against the flu, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, sore throats, cuts, and more. Traditionally, the original Thieves oil formula consists of these five essential oils: Clove, Lemon, Cinnamon Bark, Eucalyptus Radiata, and Rosemary.
- Apply a drop of Thieves oil to the nape of the neck before leaving your home, or before entering a public space or area of possible contagion. The nape of the neck controls the entire neurological system and by putting the Thieves oil here you are allowing it to be absorbed by the entire body. (If you happen to have an extremely concentrated formula, you may need to mix it with a carrier oil before application to avoid stinging.)
- Before leaving your home, or before entering a public space or area of possible contagion, apply a drop of Thieves oil to the soles of the bottom of the feet and also put it on the Kidney 1 point. The Kidney 1 point is known in acupuncture to be a major energy vortex that has the ability to revitalize body, mind and spirit. It can be activated with acupuncture, acupressure, herbal plasters, exercise and even floral essences. It is located on the sole of the foot, about 1/3 of the way from the base of the second toe and 2/3 of the way up from the bottom of the foot between the second and third metatarsals.
Preventing the Spread of Airborne Illnesses in Your Home or Office with Thieves Oil
Apply several drops of Thieves oil to the water of a diffuser that is suitable for essential oils. Keep it going 24 hours a day if possible. This infuses the air with the Thieves oil and makes it less likely to pick up something from people who may be around you who are sick. It is ideal to have in your office or in your home when you want to avoid catching something.
Protecting Children with Thieves Oil
In addition to using the diffuser with Thieves oil in the environment that your children live and play in, you may also add a drop to the soles of their feet before sending them to school or a place where they are vulnerable to catching something. You may also place a drop under their pillow for extra protection.
In ancient times when faced with health challenges, people used to rely upon Swedish bitters. There is an old saying that the best, most effective medicine is often bitter. When nature heals people, it is through bitter remedies. By taking bitters and developing blood that is slightly bitter, you can enjoy a sweeter life, and even the mosquitoes will not like you. Bitter substances have the ability to improve kidney and liver function, improve bile, reduce bloating and flatulence, improve metabolism, and prevent acidification of the body. It is said that there is hardly any illness where Swedish bitters is not of benefit.
History of the Swedish Bitters Elixir
The original Swedish bitters formula can be traced down to Paracelsus, a Swiss Renaissance physician, botanist, alchemist, astrologer and general occultist. Some people believe that it even goes back to ancient Babylon and Egypt. In the 18th Century, Jonathan Samst, a Swedish doctor, blended the mixture of herbs that we now known as Swedish bitters. It was forgotten about until the 20th century when an Austrian botanist named Maria Treben reintroduced it. In fact, Treben used traditional German/Eastern European remedies handed down by previous generations to treat a broad range of conditions. Swedish bitters is a mixture of 11 herbs with Angelica root being the most important component. Others include Aloe (can be substituted with wormwood), myrrh, saffron, senna leaves, camphor, rhubarb roots, manna, theriac venezian, carline thistle roots and zedoary roots. It also contains essential oils.
- Helps in recovering from infectious diseases
- Encourages the elimination of toxins and tonifies and regenerates the body
- Promotes biliary, pancreatic and gastric secretion
- Disinfects the intestinal tract and soothes the digestive tract
- Relieves bloating, flatulence, gas, cramps and nausea
- It can act as a gentle laxative
- Restores natural acid balance in the stomach
- Purifies, disinfects and stimulates circulation
- Expels tapeworms
- Helps in the trembling of hands and feet
- Embellishes the human body
- Take one teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach in a small glass of water and in the evening about 30 minutes after dinner. If this causes diarrhea, reduce to one teaspoon per day, and then gradually increase to 2 teaspoons per day.
- In the case of having contracted an infectious disease, Swedish bitters drops can be taken repeatedly (as indicated on bottle or by your physician) as they heal boils and swelling.
German Bitter Tea has similar benefits and is available. Please call +1 (310) 729 0928 to place an order.
Caution: If the bitter taste is unbearable, you can dilute Swedish bitters in warm water, but ideally, it’s best taken alone. Adhering strictly to the recommended dose is unlikely to produce any side effects. Swedish bitters are not recommended for pregnant women, nursing women, children under 12 and in the case of ulcers. Do not use it if you are experiencing abdominal pain, nausea or vomiting, or if you have diarrhoea. Some tinctures of Swedish bitters contain alcohol as a preservative so people in recovery should check ingredients before using.
At night it can be very helpful to prevent disease, or for a faster recovery from an illness, to soak the feet in a hot water foot bath that has sea salt and Eucalyptus oil in it (the water should be as hot as you can tolerate without burning yourself). Not only is this a calming practice that promotes deep restful sleep, sea salt is known to draw poisons and impurities out of the body. If you can do this three nights in a row it will be extremely effective, but even once is nice. Children may also take this foot bath, but the water should not be as hot. When using a foot bath bucket add 3 drops of Eucalyptus oil and an additional 3 drops of Lavender oil in case you need help sleeping or relaxing. When you need to take your foot bath in the bath tub increase the Eucalyptus oil and the optional Lavender oil to 6 drops.
Precaution: Please do not use Epsom Salt, use sea salt only.
Two supplements known to boost the immune system are fenugreek or Host Defense Mushrooms by MyCommunity. Always consult a physician before administering these kinds of supplements to children.
Desmodium is a powerful remedy for the lungs and the liver. It is available as a tincture. Consult a physician before giving to children. Whole World Botanical Liver Lung Support Royal Desmodium is recommended.